Thread: King of Tokyo:: General:: I was playing it wrong!
by lttlkng At first I didn't like this game, my wife would win a three player game in three or four turns by scoring 20 points. I never had a chance to buy any cards or deal much damage. I was bummed,...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: I was playing it wrong!
by clinz30 Wow, that does make a huge difference. Also remember that if you roll more die that match your 3 of a kind (1,2, or 3), add 1 for each.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: I was playing it wrong!
by jonahmaul If you rolled, 3, 3, 3, 3 you would get 4 VPs though. If you get three matching numbers (1, 2, or 3) then you get the amount of VPs indicated by the numbers that match, but you then get an...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: I was playing it wrong!
by bkunes I've been there with plenty of other games. :DFiguring it out is always a good thing saving yourself disappointment and remorse.:meeple: Keep playing...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: I was playing it wrong!
by Scorpion0x17 This is why I always try to find a rules explanation, or play-through, video of any game I acquire.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Any info on King of New York yet?
by MoBroHinack So are there any new Infos about our future favorite Game King of New York???:DWe would love to hear something new!GreetsMoBroHinack
View ArticleThread: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Order of operations
by Tubesteak So a "discussion" came up during a game yesterday.One player (not me), had 12 points. He ended his roll with 3 points (via three 3's) and then declared he was buying the card that gives 5...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: I was playing it wrong!
by Eggrocket Two different friends had copies of KoT and taught me that you only got two rolls ... an initial role and a singe re-roll. We always played it that way without discussion. When I got a...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by jonahmaul The rules state that you have to survive until the end of the turn with 20 VPs in order to claim victory. This to me, suggests that after you reached 20 VPs, there was still an opportunity...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by kryyst You hit 20 points, you win. The card can be played at anytime he should have played it before you bought the card.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by ras2124kryyst wrote:You hit 20 points, you win. The card can be played at anytime he should have played it before you bought the card. I agree with Chris. The cards can be played at anytime, but the...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by Ender02kryyst wrote:You hit 20 points, you win. The card can be played at anytime he should have played it before you bought the card.Nope! jonahmaul has it correct. The rules say that you have to...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by ras2124Ender02 wrote:kryyst wrote:You hit 20 points, you win. The card can be played at anytime he should have played it before you bought the card.Nope! jonahmaul has it correct. The rules say that...
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Order of operations
by SPBTooL I kept wanting to play this game with inter-ups or using a stack too. It seems to make sense considering the designer. But Richard has posted in a couple places that that is not the case and...
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
View ArticleNew Image for King of Tokyo
by shannontrainorCustom character, don't know if I am legally allowed to put the file up for download
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