Channel: King of Tokyo | BoardGameGeek
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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Space Penguins!

by Dave Chua The Star Nosed mole would also be a great new monster.http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_151307...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Space Penguins!

by Wulf Corbett Possibly the best series of biology videos I ever saw. Hurrah for the BBC! :D

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: News:: Re: King of Tokyo US Championship

by vscory Are there anymore details on this? I see we have an event at a local store next weekend and I cannot seem to get any official statements on this. Cost?Prizes?With expansion or not?Single elim...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: News:: Re: King of Tokyo US Championship

by IelloGames Cory, you should call the store to ask them about cost.The tournaments are with the Base Game only without the expansion.Swiss rounds with final.We will post more details on the organized...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Space Penguins!

by dekedagger I watched so many of those 'True Facts' videos yesterday. Amazing.

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Parasitic Tentacles OP?

by jeremycobert I played this 2 times with friends and bought the game. tonight we played it as a family. my wife pulled this card early in the game and not knowing about it or exactly what she was...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Space Penguins!

by tlee33 Agreed! They need to make a kickstarter with miniatures.freddieyu wrote:abdiel wrote:Maybe it's the return of Squawwk.SQUAWWKKKKK!!!!Gammarauders needs a reprint with updated rules and...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by cornixt Played my first game last night. We went through the rules as we played. It would have finished after 1.5 hours, but I bought a card that lost 5 victory points from everyone, so it went on...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by lfishercornixt wrote:Played my first game last night. We went through the rules as we played. It would have finished after 1.5 hours, but I bought a card that lost 5 victory points from everyone, so...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by murksofus I've had games go well over an hour, pushing 90 minutes. Really depends on how cautious/AP prone the players are. Also, imo the expansion adds game time, since people will be going for...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by a1bertcornixt wrote:there was a stage where everyone was trying to heal themselvesBut that is when the player in Tokyo rolls claws, and eventually kills off a player after another. To stop him the...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by cornixt I think there must have been a lot of unlucky rolling going on because hardly anyone was in Tokyo when they rolled claws. We understood that you couldn't heal while in Tokyo, which might...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by a1bertcornixt wrote:hardly anyone was in Tokyo when they rolled claws. We understood that you couldn't heal while in Tokyo, which might have been why everyone left so often.When you leave Tokyo the...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by freddieyu I am writing this reply barely 30 minutes after I have completed 3 games of King of Tokyo. The first game was 3P and the next 2 were 4P, and the maximum time for 1 game was 30 minutes...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by cornixt I think we understood the rules okay, but when people are re-rolling claws to get hearts, you aren't beating down the person in Tokyo. If no one starts a turn in Tokyo, then they can't dish...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by freddieyucornixt wrote:I think we understood the rules okay, but when people are re-rolling claws to get hearts, you aren't beating down the person in Tokyo. If no one starts a turn in Tokyo, then...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by faustulus Just going by my experience, 30 minutes is a long game. Most lock in around the 15-20 min range. The number of players doesn't seem to sway it too terribly much. But then again I have only...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by bortmonkey I've had some fairly long games of this, usually with 5 or 6 people. I'm talking over an hour (and probably close to 1.5, didnt time it).Sometimes people play very cautiously, one damage...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by Scorpion0x17bortmonkey wrote:Sometimes people play very cautiously, one damage and they're off to heal it.If that happens I go for Victory Points and/or Energy Cubes (favouring Victory Points) - it...

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Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: how long does it actually take?

by Larry Welborn All of my plays have been 3 or 4p. I would guesstimate the game length ranged from 15-35 minutes or so.

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