by nerman8r
I assume you mean you picked up the Cthulhu monster pack? It has more content for the games (new buildings and cultists) without referring to Space Penguin or anything.King of Tokyo/New York can't continue to add new content forever. With each new expansion, fewer people will buy it because for some people 12 monsters are enough choice and for others 14 monsters is enough. Other content has a limit too, as the game will lose its edge as a "simple" game and become bloated with too much stuff. (See Carcassonne) Also, there's only so much Iello can put out in a year to avoid burning out their players. At the end of the day, if Iello makes monster packs for Space Penguin, they will sell less than if they make a brand new monster, since some people will already have Space Penguin. First and second edition owners will both buy Cthulhu, but second edition owners will not buy Space Penguin. Another way of looking at it is that all of their players will enjoy Cthulhu coming out, where only some of their players will enjoy a Space Penguin monster pack.
I think the desire to have everything makes it hard to appreciate the big picture. I am kind of sad not to have Space Penguin and Cyberkitty, but I can see why Iello is serving it's players by choosing not to make monster packs for them.