by sithlordRPGA
We were playing tonight and we had a question come up.A few cards say when the player rolls a certain combination on the dice then something happens
exotic arms (evolution card)
Panda Express (evolution card)
Trick or Threat (evolution card)
Here is my question.
The person I was playing says I have to actual roll the combination on a roll (because other cards say score which means after all rolls are made). I disagree.
Secondly here is another example that came up tonight:
he was playing Pumpkin Jack and has the Trick or Threat evolution cards (When you roll 1-1-1 all other monsters must pay 1 energy or take 2 damage). His first roll he rolls 3 ones. He then said his effects of trick or threat takes place and he is then free to make his second roll with a chance of rerolling 3 ones. I don't think that is how it is meant to be played.