by Tubesteak
ras2124 wrote:
The difference is a question of when does a turn end. As in pretty much every game, it should be up to the player.
Then it simply becomes a games of a player saying "IbuythiscardandnowmyturnisoverIwin" as quickly as possible without giving anyone a chance to do anything. A turn isn't over until everyone has a chance to play something. This is the nature of evolution cards. They can be played *at any time*.
Player1 declares he's purchasing the 5 point card to give him the victory. Player2 has been saving the -2 point evolution for just this situation and between the declaration of the purchase and the actual purchase, plays his evolution card to remove 2 points from player1.
This is not a game of speed or "I said it first and now my action is complete". Everything needs to be resolved before a turn (or even an action) is complete. That's the nature of "play at any time".
For example, how about the card Rapid Healing (at any time spend 2 energy to heal 1 life)... if I have 2 health and someone deals 2 damage, I should be able to spend 2 energy to heal 1 life and survive the attack. Or does the 2 damage happen, send me to zero life and now I can't using my "play at any time card"? How does your group play this?
I would argue that if you allow any "play at any time" action to interrupt something, you have to allow all "play at any time" actions to interrupt everything.
Regardless, you have to allow time for people to play cards, especially in response to someone's actions. If not, then it becomes a game of "who said it first" and then its people shouting over each other to get things done as quickly as possible. That doesn't seem fun or in the spirit of the game to me.