by Webhead123
biscuits409 wrote:
Do cards like this apply the turn that they were bought?
Example Freeze time: ON A TURN where you score 111, you can take another turn with one less die. IF you scored 111 on the turn which you bought it, do you get another?...[snip]...Similarly, herbivore says gain a point on your turn if you don't damage anyone. If you buy this on a turn where you didn't damage anyone, do you get a point?
Example Freeze time: ON A TURN where you score 111, you can take another turn with one less die. IF you scored 111 on the turn which you bought it, do you get another?...[snip]...Similarly, herbivore says gain a point on your turn if you don't damage anyone. If you buy this on a turn where you didn't damage anyone, do you get a point?
This isn't an "official" answer but I would say that you do not receive the benefits from these cards on the turn that they were purchased. The way I read the card effects, they are triggering based off of the dice results during your Resolution phase. You purchase cards after the dice have finished resolving, so the cards will not have another opportunity to "trigger" until your next turn.
david72 wrote:
Another "freeze time" question.
If I'm in Tokyo, i get 2 points, i roll 1-1-1.
I get an extra turn, and again 2 points? Maybe roll 1-1-1 again.
Again 2 points... ?
If I'm in Tokyo, i get 2 points, i roll 1-1-1.
I get an extra turn, and again 2 points? Maybe roll 1-1-1 again.
Again 2 points... ?
Yes. Freeze Time says that you "take another turn" and Tokyo rewards you with 2 VPs when you start your turn there. Thus, it is possible to time-warp yourself to victory! :ninja: