by moosemcd
A couple of additional side effects of this rule change:The risk of staying in Tokyo is lessened. If you know that once you get out, you aren't at risk of being put in without your consent. Therefore, players will risk staying in Tokyo to a lower health than the would otherwise.
The "Never Enter Tokyo" strategy becomes more viable. Players will be able to sit on the outskirts purely rolling for VPs and buying VP cards. Maybe some people think this is a viable strategy, I think it's annoying and is against the spirit of the game.
You decrease the strategic options of the person leaving Tokyo. The player inside of Tokyo will have less choices as to who they want to cede Tokyo to. This could easily result in two aggressive players trading Tokyo back in forth while they other players sit on the outskirts rolling 1's, 2's, and 3's.
Some groups (such as mine) will take forever to get a player into Tokyo at the beginning of the game. In the people I've played with, being in Tokyo at the beginning of the game is very dangerous as players are more inclined to pile on the damage, because they are not concerned with their own health. Therefore, the player to take Tokyo is usually the first person to roll a claw on their third roll.