by ras2124
Hermjard wrote:
Well, what interpretion is left in the following sentence:
"Hearts you used to remove counters, cannot be used for healing.".
It's clear for me in this sentence, that removing counters cannot be healing then. Not even another type or healing, or equivalent to healing. Otherwise this sentence would be contradictionary to itself.
"Hearts you used to remove counters, cannot be used for healing.".
It's clear for me in this sentence, that removing counters cannot be healing then. Not even another type or healing, or equivalent to healing. Otherwise this sentence would be contradictionary to itself.
This is in direct contrast to evolutions (in Powered Up) which do allow you to heal and evolve using the same hearts, and they can be used in Tokyo. In this case, the evolve action is independent of the heal and therefore to me is not a healing action.
Edit: I am curious why the original rules would not be in English. I know the publisher is French, but Richard Garfield is American so presumably the rules as he wrote them would start out in English.