by ras2124
Oranjb wrote:
I just got this game & played it a few times with my group (6 people in total). By the 3rd game no one wanted to be in Tokyo (or Tokyo Bay) because you keep getting pummelled & then spend the next 2-3 turns trying to heal. The more effective strategy was to stay outside of Tokyo & try to roll VP's. I know you get 1 VP for entering Tokyo & 2 for staying in there for a whole turn, but that does not seem to be enough of an incentive to risk dying. Am I missing something?
Also the expansion makes Tokyo a better option since getting 3 hearts allows you to "evolve" (get a special power up). This tends to make for more take a lot of damage and then spend time healing and powering up kind of play style.
The other benefit to Tokyo is dealing out tons of damage. If you can get in and stay in the entire round without taking to much damage, you and whoever is with you can dish out some major pain, and then people will have to spend their turns healing instead of attacking.