by Volt26
ghopper21 wrote:
Thanks for sharing your variant and experiences.
Two questions:
1. Do you still get the initial 2 stars for entering Tokyo?
2. Would you recommend this for players new to the game or only after several plays?
Two questions:
1. Do you still get the initial 2 stars for entering Tokyo?
2. Would you recommend this for players new to the game or only after several plays?
1. Well, in original rules I believe we get 1 star for entering in Tokyo. So far, we removed this rules from our variant. But I may try it again if I notice a decrease of interest into winning with victory points. Since we do our variant, people wanting to win with stars greatly increased so I doubt I will need to play with this rule but.. We'll see!
2. No. I would let them play the original rules first because the game is already a success anyways and a great getaway game! My group had a blast with the original rules. After 10 games we found some weaknesses in the rules but that's after we had a good grasp of the original rules.