by Deny
Hey you geeks.I had an Idea for a solo variant for KoT. Maybe you like it.
Revenge of the Humans
A one player variant
Finally you are King of Tokyo and then the Humans want there city back. They even have a pet for them to do it.
It is just like a two player game. Choose a Monster for you and a Monsterpet for the Humans.
The Game
Your turn
You begin and do your turn like you normally do.
Roll the dice, take some and roll them again.
Than do the dice actions and after that you can buy cards.
The turn of the humans
You roll the dice fort hem ONE TIME and then you do the actions for them. Therefor there are some special rules.
For victory Points the Pet only needs two dice with the same number. Every additional Dice with the same number adds one point.
With hearts it can heal itself even if it is in Tokyo.
With claws it attacks you.
The Monster of the Humans doesn't keep kristals, it gets cards imidietly, form the draw so you don´t know what it might get.
For the first card it only one needs lightning
For the second card it needs 2 lightnings
For the third card it needs 2 lightnings
Every additional card cost 3 lightings
This includes every card they get. The discard ones and the ones you keep.
For example: The humans have already a card, and they get three lightings they can get one card. The remaining lightning is useless.
If a card needs a player decisions (like roll again fort two energy) than you will discard this card without any effect and the humans get another one.
In Tokyo
If a Monster is in Tokyo at the start of its turn it only gets one Victory point.
At every Attack the pet gets it will leave Tokyo immediately.
The End
Just like the rules say, a monster is dead or gets 20 Victory Points.
I played it a few times and it seamed pretty balanced, but the Humans never got any heart points. so i made the two variants.
Variant 1:
Change the benefits of heats for the Pet. For every heart it gets two health points.
Variant 2:
The Pet only leaves Tokyo if it is under 5 health points.
I hope you like it, and sorry for my english, i am from german and i can understand english quite good but the writig of it is kind of hard. :-)