Reply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Cyber Bunny/Cyber Kitty Story a Lie?
by ras2124Hemlockaaa wrote:Your Tetris graphic under your name - headache inducing.Lol. It is not a Tetris graphic, and perhaps ironically to you I am constantly getting compliments via replies and GMs...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Cyber Bunny/Cyber Kitty Story a Lie?
by bakijaras2124 wrote:Lol. It is not a Tetris graphic, and perhaps ironically to you I am constantly getting compliments via replies and GMs about it from those in the know. :laugh:Heh. For what it is...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Cyber Bunny/Cyber Kitty Story a Lie?
by kilrahras2124 wrote:Lol. It is not a Tetris graphic, and perhaps ironically to you I am constantly getting compliments via replies and GMs about it from those in the know. :laugh::D But its kinda...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Cyber Bunny/Cyber Kitty Story a Lie?
by ras2124 It is definitely moving to bottom right. It can create the illusion of the opposite due to the way the field of view slides and no grid to reference. The gif was done based on something like...
View ArticleThread: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by MainiacJoe A situation appears fairly often in our few games with our new copy of the Iello edition. A player is out of Tokyo and wants to heal. He is re-rolling claws because he wants hearts and...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by drathbunMainiacJoe wrote:Are we playing correctly?Short answer: Yes.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by Slonk You are playing correctly. Dice results are not optional. In my group, that's often how folks end up in Tokyo in the first place!Edit: :ninja:
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by MajaiofDreams If you roll a claw, you have to attack and potentually enter Tokyo.So hopefully you rolled enough hearts as well to allow you to survive an attack.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by kelann08 Yes, that is the correct way to play. We played it the other way for years before realizing resolving dice is not an optional effect.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by abdiel You're playing correctly and the game wouldn't be worth playing otherwise. If you really don't want to go to Tokyo don't keep rolling the dice to try for more hearts. If the following player...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: Can one decline to Smash when rolling a claw?
by bakijaMainiacJoe wrote:A situation appears fairly often in our few games with our new copy of the Iello edition. A player is out of Tokyo and wants to heal. He is re-rolling claws because he wants...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: Rules:: Re: 5-6 player game dropping below 5 players
by bakermouseWizuriel wrote:So had a 5 player game yesterday where we had 2 monsters in Tokyo and the Tokyo monsters killed all the non Tokyo monsters in one round. So what happens in that situation?...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Would you buy a Deluxe King of Tokyo/NY...
by Wolfshanze I'm actually surprised at the number of "no" comments here... oh well, I guess I'm just a freak, because I definitely WOULD love a "deluxe" version of the game with 3D plastic sculpt...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Tying to figure this to get...
by Wolfshanze E-Bay, E-Bay, E-Bay... either get lucky and find someone selling the monsters individually, or maybe someone selling a 2nd Edition (used) at a price you're okay with to get the two...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Would you buy a Deluxe King of Tokyo/NY...
by Gerdion I like minis but if this was a 'deluxe' game then I would likely want other components to be upgraded or made premium or the models would have to be very, very nice to justify it on their own.
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Would you buy a Deluxe King of Tokyo/NY...
by sojasonk No way. The standees are awesome and in part make the KO series what it is for me. The funky, over the top silly cartoonish vibe with the standees is a part of its appeal and goes with the...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Tying to figure this to get...
by bakijaWolfshanze wrote:I did what you speak of in-reverse... I had 2nd Ed, and wanted Kraken and Space Bunny from the 1st Edition... I found a used cheap copy of 1st edition on E-Bay, stole Kraken...
View ArticleReply: King of Tokyo:: General:: Re: Tying to figure this to get...
by shallowz Isn't there supposed to be an upgrade pack coming for those who have the first addition?
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