by grarrrg
The "look at stack, may place on bottom" was a quick/weak alternate to destroying things. Not sure what else much you can do with Evolutions that doesn't get you one, or that doesn't make the "good" option "stupid good".nerman8r wrote:
Good idea! For the most part, I like Graaargh's changes, but I do think having 333 destroy an evolution is cool. What if it was "choose an opponent. They choose an evolution to discard"?
If we're going with destroying/discarding, I'm thinking it should probably be the 2+2+2 option.
If we put Destroy on the 1's, then no one will go for it early game, and will only do it late game if they NEED to get rid of an opponent's, or if they get 'stuck' with 1's.
If we put Destroy on the 3's, that solves the early game issue, but might give the 3's TOO much power mid/late game.
1's > look 2, keep 1
2's > opponent discards one of theirs
3's > take top Evo
nerman8r wrote:
Note that any evolution deck manipulation will hose Megashark, since his Surprise Attacks will rarely work.
I don't have PU:NY, so don't know any of the cards, or new/weird interactions.