by DavidT
sparr0 wrote:
Scorpion0x17 wrote:
4) You misunderstood a fundamental aspect of the game and so thought you were winning when you weren't.
The game was at a point where a single die was being rolled, and there was a 1/6 chance of me being the first elimination and a 5/6 chance of me winning. There aren't really any other aspects to that situation.
It sounds like the game just isn't for you, which is fine. But, this statement about a 5/6 chance of winning doesn't make any sense. You were not likely to win either way. Even if you hadn't rolled any claws and remained outside Tokyo, the player in Tokyo would surely have killed you, anyway. You certainly didn't have a 5/6 chance of winning, no matter what you rolled.
There are plenty of "aspects" to the situation you describe, and the fun of KoT is found in those aspects.