by kelann08
sparr0 wrote:
Generally I find that a yahtzee-like mechanic removes much of the randomness of simple dice rolling. However, King of Tokyo suffers from other mechanical defects that leave far too much luck in the game.
I played KoT for the first and probably last (sans house rules or possibly an expansion) time this weekend. On the last turn that I got to play I had one health left and absolutely did not want to enter Tokyo, so of course I re-rolled every claw that came up, but I still managed to roll a single one on my last re-roll. Once I was in Tokyo a couple of players with motives to not eliminate me left me alone, but another player decided to attack me. It came down to his very last dice roll, on which he got exactly the one claw that he needed to kill me. I was going to win on my next turn.
I don't like being bumped from first to second due to a single lucky element. I detest being bumped from first to last in the same way.
I played KoT for the first and probably last (sans house rules or possibly an expansion) time this weekend. On the last turn that I got to play I had one health left and absolutely did not want to enter Tokyo, so of course I re-rolled every claw that came up, but I still managed to roll a single one on my last re-roll. Once I was in Tokyo a couple of players with motives to not eliminate me left me alone, but another player decided to attack me. It came down to his very last dice roll, on which he got exactly the one claw that he needed to kill me. I was going to win on my next turn.
I don't like being bumped from first to second due to a single lucky element. I detest being bumped from first to last in the same way.
Different people like different games. KoT is entirely probability. There's a probably chance you'll roll a claw. If you want complete control over your fate (outside of player decisions) then play a Euro or a game without the randomness of dice rolling.
checkrazor76 wrote:
So you don't like fun. That exact thing is exactly what King of Tokyo is all about. Not every game needs to be a brain burner that is solely based on skill. This game is a short mix of luck and meaningful decision making that is just a blast to play. Try to lighten up and see the game for what it is. You should be talking and laughing about that loss and how it happened for the rest of the night while you are enjoying your deeper more meaty and strategic games. You can't put down a game for giving you the exact experience it was meant to deliver.
2 edits for horrible typos. :soblue:
2 edits for horrible typos. :soblue:
Lets not act like he just took a dump on your favorite game. He said he didn't like it. He didn't say it was a bad game, just not for him. Claiming he doesn't like fun is completely inaccurate and unnecessary. Clearly fun for you and fun for him are different concepts but it doesn't mean his idea of a fun game isn't fun for him.
Tariff wrote:
Lol. You are the type of gamer i would have a problem with. Taking a game like KoT that seriously is really missing the point.
How did he take it seriously? He said it wasn't for him and he wouldn't play it again. He didn't rage quit. He didn't throw the dice. I panned out wrong and its a game he doesn't like. Good grief, people are entitled to have differing opinions about a game and not get attacked for it.