Hello everybody; I'm still relatively new to this site, so please forgive this post if it is a bit rough. However, I noticed that while playing with the original rules, most of my friends were hesitant to stay in/enter Tokyo and left as soon as they possibly could. So I decided to add an incentive where every time a player in Tokyo city/bay is attacked but does not yield, they get one victory point. In a four player game, this allows the player in Tokyo to potentially get 3 extra victory points in between their turns if they are attacked but don't yield, and still get the extra 2 points if they manage to make it back to their turn again. One can also still gain 1 VP by taking Tokyo city/Bay from another monster after they have given it up to the attacking player. My friends have found much enjoyment with this variant, as there is now a bit more risk/reward of staying in Tokyo, without throwing off balance too much; about half of our games can now we won by VP with proper strategy. Please tel me your criticisms and thoughts on this variant idea. Thank you all.