by PhoenixPez
anarchy wrote:
PhoenixPez wrote:
You do realize that if you sell your copy of the game it's not like Iello loses the money you already gave them for it, right? They already have your money, you're not doing them any harm in selling your used copy.
Ah, but it does mean that _someone else_ who would have bought a new copy instead bought this used copy, thus depriving Iello, a retailer and a distributor their cut. (I think it's an opportunity cost, but my microeconomics is fuzzy after all these years.)
But, yeah, ultimately it's not that big of a deal.
I suppose that's true, but even still if you're trying to make a point about not giving away promos that not everybody has access to, putting more money in Gamestop's pockets is about the worst way to go about it.