by FencePost
I got this game for Christmas and consider myself a pretty good rules lawyer, but I also like to play in the spirit of the game.We have found some cards work really well in tandem and were wondering if it's just me cheesing the wording on the cards or if we're playing as they were intended.
Forgive me if I'm not naming these cards exactly
Friend of Children - whenever you gain energy get an extra energy. So when I bought Power Overwhelming costing 8 to gain 9 energy I gained 10 instead.
All of my group agreed that this was fine.
Would this also work with "We're Only Making it Stronger" so that whenever you took damage you would gain 2 energy instead of one?
Regeneration - whenever you heal, heal one extra. I ended up comboing this with Fast healing which would lets me heal whenever I want for 2 energy. So whenever I used it, I was healing 2 points.
My group thought that this was a little cheesy as it let me stay in Tokyo and treat 2 energy like 2 hearts.
Is this the way the cards are intended to work in combination with each other or am I abusing the game?